I know, I’ve been very lax at updating this site. I wish I had a good excuse, but honestly, I don’t. I had hoped that even with working two jobs, and doing some outside tech support, I would still have time for this site, but it has been falling into the wayside.
I’m also not sure if WordPress is the software I really want. In the future, this site will be partially used when I begin teaching again. I have used Black Board in the past, and it is available from the school, but it is limited on what can be done with it.
I am now beginning to experiment with Joomla. I’m not sure how I feel about it right now, as the management side takes a lot to get used to. Hopefully it will lead to something enjoyable. If you have any ideas for a good template to use, please let me know. You can use the “contact” me link above. You can see what I’m using for Joomla here.